Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Trinity Industries Wants to Inspect Site for Hazardous Waste

Published in the The Herald on January 4, 2008
Written by: Monica Pryts
Summarized by: Tony and Dylan
Trinity Industries Inc. wants to inspect for hazardous materials but the current property owner refused to give them permission. Commerce Park of Greenville Inc. owns the land and has been sued by Trinity. In early 2006 Trinity was charged by the state attorney general’s office for dumping hazardous waste at 60 Union Street. In 2004 Commerce Park bought Trinity’s North Plant and they have been demolishing buildings and structures on the property. To read the entire article go to: http://www.sharonherald.com/local/local_story_004214454.html/resources_printstory

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So sad!

Fifteen years later, the property that housed Trinity Industries, the property that provided so many jobs for the people in Greenville...tha...